Placeholder for Maxime X GlynMaxime X Glyn
zo 14 jul  16:30

Maxime x Glyn

Music sets you free. It is the per­fect way to escape real­i­ty”, says soul­ful R&B duo Maxime x Glyn. Hail­ing from the south­ern part of The Nether­lands and born a unique blend of eth­nic­i­ties includ­ing Dutch, Suri­nam (Glyn) and Caribbean (Maxime), the two make a diverse cou­ple. They have been mak­ing music togeth­er for almost a decade and sup­port­ed artists like Glen­nis Grace, Tri­jn­t­je Oost­er­huis and Julia Zahra. Their pre­vi­ous work was picked up by famous Dutch radio host Giel Bee­len and fash­ion mag­a­zine VOGUE.

With a mix of dreamy gui­tars, sooth­ing, rhyth­mic melodies and vul­ner­a­ble yet sul­try vocals, Maxime x Glyn cre­ate vibey, refresh­ing sounds.
We hope peo­ple feel the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and truth in our music and see that as some­thing pow­er­ful. We hope they find peace and seren­i­ty in our music, we hope it makes them feel strong, fierce. Life is qui­et chal­leng­ing, the world can be a hard place. With our music, we hope we can get peo­ple into a state of tran­quil­i­ty where they can just drift off and escape real­i­ty for a while.”